Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Strapping Black Anadama Bread this Anadama bread is the first recipe in the book that I will be blogging about 'The Bread Baker's Apprentice' by Peter Reinhart. 
The cornmeal part is the soakr that sat out overnight, and then you can see that I have started adding the flour for mixing.

Here I am starting to make the dough... and now need to let the yeast start working.

As you can now tell, I have added the rest of the ingredients, and it has fully doubled in size for the first rising.

Here is the final product.  I should have let it rise in the pans for a little longer and it would not have cracked like that, but overall I am pleased with the outcome!  Now I have to go and taste it!!

Coming Next Week~
Bread #2...Artos: Greek Celebration Bread


  1. looks great! You can come up here and make next weeks bread!

  2. I just might take you up on that!!

  3. I have a better idea....Come to MY house and do the next 43 weeks !!! my wildest dreams I would never have guessed you to be doing bread baking...I AM SOOOO impressed. Your pictures are excellent too.

  4. Thanks Auntie Dianne! I would love to come and bake at your house for the next 43 weeks!! In fact why don't I just stay the whole year!!

  5. Great first post!!

  6. OK. So I will try this again. I am so glad to see you are doing this. It will be nice for those of us who are cutting down on carbs. We can live vicariously through you and your blog. I have a recipe similar to this one (I think) it uses cornmeal and black strap molasses- also whole wheat biscuits and mashed potatoes. I will miss experiencing the smell. Maybe one day, they will figure out how to share the sense of smell through the miracle of cyberspace.

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